Technology Meets Skin Care

LED Light Facial - 30 minutes $60

LED Skin Boost (Add to any Facial) $30

The results are illuminating!

Using wavelengths of light that are scientifically proven to stimulate fibroblasts that increase collagen & elastin, low-level light therapy is a safe, effective, and convenient way to achieve a healthy youthful glow in a natural, non-toxic, non-invasive manner.  This treatment can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin texture, quality and smoothness.

Images of a client receiving a Celluma LED facial treatment.

Dermasound Ultrasound Facial :

Dermasound Express Facial - 30 minutes $90

Dermasound Elite is an FDA approved device that offers a safe, state-of-the-art ultrasonic treatment. Through the vibration of sound waves, you will experience exfoliation similar to microdermabrasion without irritation or inflammation.  Temporary openings are produced in the skin that allow nourishing products to be pushed into it that are normally difficult to penetrate.  Rebalancing and repairs happen to the skin cells that have been damaged due to age or environmental stressors, like the sun, and your cells act like a younger version of themselves.  This is the ultimate, no downtime treatment that is perfect for a date night or your class reunion.  Your skin will be bright, glowing,  hydrated, and plumped-up.

You can often see immediate results!

Client Receiving Dermasound Ultrasound Treatment

Dermasound Facial Plus - 45 minutes $145

Same as Dermasound Facial plus Custom Mask

Dermasound Signature Facial - 1 hour 15 minutes $190

Signature/Dermasound Facial Combo

Dermasound Anti-Age Neck and Chest Treatment (Add to any Facial)  $35

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